A Little About Me and My Passion for Yoga

Hi, I’m Len. I’m a yoga teacher, therapist and writer. I host the Yoga with Len YouTube channel, which focuses on making the most important aspects of yoga and mindfulness accessible, approachable and desirable to beginners.

Part of this process involves breaking down the so-called ‘barriers to entry’ new students often perceive to be in place in the modern yoga world.

Practicing Yoga has had an incredibly possitive effect on my health and wellbeing and I know it can help you too!

Or as I like to say …

Yoga Works Best When You Do it!

Yoga is for Everyone

Because I want people to experience the incredible health benefits of yoga for themselves, I’m committed to presenting yoga clearly and simply and teaching in plain and easy to understand language.

In this way, beginners who may feel intimidated by the terminology or complicated poses or think yoga practice is only for the young, thin, or already fit – will instead be encouraged to give it a try!

Knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it is the key to turning knowledge into effective action and bringing about meaningful changes to your health and well-being…

Why do I Teach Yoga?

I believe yoga is the world’s most effective system for personal transformation and maintaining good health over time. I used the self-care practices of yoga to recover from chronic illness and longstanding addictions.

The outcome was a dramatic change in my health and well-being and a brand new lease on life. I’m grateful for this second chance and have a strong desire to pay it forward.

Teaching yoga it is one of the most effective ways for me to be in the service of others while maintaining my own health. My students’ personal success stories are a testament to yoga’s effectiveness and an ongoing source of inspiration to me!

Change is coming. Are you Ready?

Life changes whether we expect it to or not. Sometimes these changes align with our expectations and we welcome them. At other times we’re caught by surprise when we feel vulnerable and unprepared.

It’s what happened to me. Because rather than be proactive, I treated my health like playing a game of Whack-a-Mole! Trying in vain to manage my current problems while new issues kept popping up to join them.

After living for so long on auto pilot, it all caught up to me and I finally received the wake-up-call I’d been dreading. What followed would be a long and considered re-assessment of my attitudes toward self-care and health and a significant re-ordering of my list of priorities…