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Attention and Distraction – Staying Focussed in the Digital Age

In the age of all things internet – We have more choices in entertainment than ever before. Computers, Smart phones, Games consoles, Virtual reality headsets and lets not forget Netflix! Competition for our limited attention is fierce…

Is Yoga a Competitive Sport? – Viewing Modern Yoga through the Lens of Competition

One problem with competing in Yoga is that we turn an environment that should be about relieving stress into one that is highly charged with stress. We take a subset of Yoga practice (asana) and focus on it to the exclusion of the other 7 aspects…

Health and Well-being – Traditional Modalities and the Business of Modern Medicine

Over the past few years we have seen a dramatic upswing in the general publics interest in Yoga. We’re also witnessing mainstream medicine’s gradual acceptance of the value of yoga practice in improving general health and wellbeing…

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Why Develop a Personal Yoga Practice?

Why Develop a Personal Yoga Practice?

Group classes are a great way to start practicing yoga and are excellent for exercise, social contact and maintaining the regular, general practice of yoga with the support of a teacher and other students. Despite these benefits, group lessons are limited in terms of individual attention…

Viniyoga – Adapt the Yoga, Not the Individual!

Viniyoga – Adapt the Yoga, Not the Individual!

If yoga practice is to be truly effective, it Must be adapted to suit the individual, Not the individual adapted to suit the Yoga. This principle and approach to the application of yoga, is known as viniyoga and its origins can be traced to the ninth century Yogi Näthamuni, making it…